Mrs. Dery here supporting students through Google Hangout! #support #paraprofessionals

Day 2 of working on learning plans from home. Hang in there as we continue to adjust. I’ll be sending out a message to all families later today with some plan modifications that will help. We got this but must stay positive. Remember our food drop off schedule and come see us!

BMR has the best kiddos

Our kiddos are working hard even for PE!

As a reminder, our mobile food stations are out now at Rathbun St and Millville Bike Path Lot. Come pick up breakfast and lunch!

Gov. Baker has officially closed all Massachusetts schools for 3 weeks. As of now, BMRSD will be closed until the week of April 6th. Follow the Gov’s recommendations around social distancing. We must do our part!
Please stay tuned for an update tomorrow, Monday, 3/16.

Msg from Blackstone-Millville School District: You may have just heard that Gov. Baker officially closed all MA schools for three (3) weeks. As of now, BMRSD will be closed until the week of April 6th. Stay healthy and please follow the Governor's recommendations around social distancing. I will be back in touch.

Attn BMRSD: Over the next 2 wks we will be offering free “grab and go” meals in our towns. Mon & Wed 9:30a-10:30a we will be at Rathbun St/Turbesi Park, BS & Hope St/bike path lot, MV. 10:45a-11:45a we will be at the BS Fire Station. You can pick up at the middle school also.

Msg from Blackstone-Millville School District: Tomorrow, Friday, 3/13 BMRSD will be closed for students but open for ALL staff. Staff will be meeting and planning incase we encounter a long-term school closure situation due to the Coronavirus - we hope we do not need to be closed long-term but we MUST be prepared.

Check out a great National publication written about the work of our District’s Literacy Committee! So proud of our staff!

Girls on the Run Presentation for our grade 3-5 girls. #GOTR

“Test driving” a biomed challenge! Ms. Breen saves the day!!!!

Our new BMRHS Biomedical pathway program officially launches today at the Mass Stem Hub training at WPI! Can’t wait to see this change the landscape of opportunities for students at the high school!

Thank you BEPO for our new drums!

Family Bingo Night! Full house!

Last week was counselor appreciation! BMRSD is celebrating it Valentine’s week because we LOVE our counselors and the work they do LOVING our kids! Thank you, Counseling Staff!

100 days of school for kindergarteners

Way to go Student Ambassador Presentation

January Citizens of the Month

Celebrating First Trimester Perfect Attendance