Email links will be sent out on Monday for Google Classroom codes. You only need to come in to pick up work if you do not have a printer, device, or internet service. Students who need specific assignments from teachers will be notified by the teacher or office. We will have hard copies available for anyone that needs them. Please don't hesitate to email me with any questions.
almost 5 years ago, Christina Shafer
Check out a great National publication written about the work of our District’s Literacy Committee! So proud of our staff!
almost 5 years ago, Jason DeFalco
“Test driving” a biomed challenge! Ms. Breen saves the day!!!!
almost 5 years ago, Jason DeFalco
Our new BMRHS Biomedical pathway program officially launches today at the Mass Stem Hub training at WPI! Can’t wait to see this change the landscape of opportunities for students at the high school!
almost 5 years ago, Jason DeFalco
Bio med
We had a wonderful day with our community readers. Thank you to Representative Soter, Dr. DeFalco, Mr. Ehrenworth, Mrs. Vinacco, Mr. Sullivan, Mrs. Anderson, Chief Landry, Officer Sheppard, Deputy Chief Furno, Ms. Blanchette, Mrs. Boisvert, Mrs. Salome, Mrs. Benoit-Rudden, Mrs. Haworth for taking the time to read to our students.
almost 5 years ago, Christina Shafer
Community Readers
Congratulations to the February Students of the Month.
almost 5 years ago, Christina Shafer
Feb Students of the Month
Thank you Mrs. Jones’ Grade 1 students! I loved sharing one of my favorite children stories with you this morning!!! What an awesome way to start the week!
almost 5 years ago, Jason DeFalco
MES grade 1
Congratulations to March’s Students of the Month at MES!
almost 5 years ago, Jason DeFalco
Thank you, Ms. Allard and all Literacy lunch participants for sharing such great insight about your most recent read - A Wrinkle in Time. There’s nothing better than talking books with kids... ok, and cupcakes!
almost 5 years ago, Jason DeFalco
If you missed it in the newsletter, here is the Title I Questions video link.
almost 5 years ago, Christina Shafer
The Millville Free Public Library is very proud to announce its new Junior Friends of the Millville Free Public Library organization (see attached image). Members of the new Junior Friends include: (Row 1: Nicholas Thrul, Gabrielle Gill, Julia Buzzell & Ivy Maloney) (Row 2: Ella Reilly, Guilianna Gill, Joey Lafayette, Clover Maloney, Isabella Lima, & Grace Buzzell) The mission of the Junior Friends of the Millville Free Public Library is to support the library by assisting with children's programming, collection development for the children's collection, and fundraising for special projects. Check the library's Facebook page for dates of upcoming meetings of the Junior Friends or call (508-883-1887) or email the librarian ( for more information. Colleen Anderson Director, Millville Free Elementary Library
almost 5 years ago, Christina Shafer
Junior Friends of the Millville Library
Check out the January/February Principal's Newsletter. Enjoy our Title I Video.
almost 5 years ago, Christina Shafer
I’m totally blown away by Ms. Keane’s grades 4/5 split classroom! I had the absolute pleasure of spending this afternoon with some of the most focused and brilliant 4th & 5th graders I’ve ever met! Ms. Keane’s energy is totally unmatched and her class is going places! You made my week!
almost 5 years ago, Jason DeFalco
Last week was counselor appreciation! BMRSD is celebrating it Valentine’s week because we LOVE our counselors and the work they do LOVING our kids! Thank you, Counseling Staff!
about 5 years ago, Jason DeFalco
Thank you
Red and Pink Day at MES on Friday, February 14th.
about 5 years ago, Christina Shafer
BMRSD Leadership Team hard at work reviewing the progress we have made on our Blueprint for District Improvement!
about 5 years ago, Jason DeFalco
Blueprint Review
Blueprint Review
Jump Rope for Heart- Day 1
about 5 years ago, Christina Shafer
3/4 Hickey & 4 LaFortune
Jump Rope
Greenie!!! Thank you so much for your many years of dedicated service! Your retirement is certainly well deserved. You will be missed greatly!
about 5 years ago, Jason DeFalco
Greenies last day.
Congratulations to Mr. Greenie on his retirement! Thanks for all you have done for us at MES. Wishing the best in your retirement. We will miss you.
about 5 years ago, Christina Shafer
Thank you Mr. Greenie
This is OUR job.
about 5 years ago, Jason DeFalco
Kobe Bryant