Charger Spolight

Sept spotlight fwh

Mr. Morse is a dedicated and knowledgeable P.E. teacher who prioritizes his students' success. He volunteers for school activities and continuously improves his skills through training. His enthusiasm makes learning fun, inspiring a lifelong love for physical activity.

- F.W. Hartnett Middle School

sept spotlight HS

An alumnus, teacher, coach, proud father of 2 BMR graduates, and assistant principal, Mr. Ducharme celebrates his 30th year of service to our community. Every year he hosts a bus tour for new staff members to welcome them to our community & shows his love of our towns.

- BMR High School

Sept spotlight mes

Rebecca has recently trained new elementary staff in TCI at orientation. In addition, she has gone above and beyond to help new staff members and others. She has also been an active member of our ILT.

- Millville Elementary


Matt Walker is head custodian of MES at the Complex. He & the team at MES worked through the summer to ensure the building was ready for the District's youngest learners. He recently participated in the Leadership Retreat helping to develop a plan to continue our great work

- BMR District