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Blackstone-Millville Regional School District welcomes students with diverse backgrounds and cultural experiences. We currently are providing services to 29 students from 15 countries, speaking 11 languages.
The English Language Learner (ELL) Program in the Blackstone-Millville Regional School District ensures students with limited English proficiency have access to educational opportunities by providing services that assist these students with the attainment of English language proficiency, develop high levels of academic attainment in English, and meet the same state wide standards of achievement as all students are expected to meet.
The English Language Learner Program in the Blackstone-Millville Regional School District provides specialized English language instruction to students who are not yet fluent in English. Our program is designed to provide sequential English language development which supports students’ acquisition of the English language using the WIDA (World Class Instructional Design and Assessment) English Language Standards document from the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education as the core for curriculum. Curriculum is based on scientific research and is designed to meet age appropriate academic achievement standards for each grade or grade span. Grade level content is made comprehensible using scaffolding techniques to meet individual students’ language needs and learning styles. Vocabulary is previewed and comprehension checks are in place to ensure understanding. Instruction is highly interactive using a variety of groupings with ample opportunity to develop listening and speaking skills. Information is presented using graphic organizers, visuals, different levels of academic language, and other strategies and techniques that help students understand content. ELL teachers provide support primarily in English language arts, but may provide additional support in math and other content areas. Classroom and support teachers deliver instruction collaboratively with ELL teachers. ELL students have daily interaction with native speaking peers.
The ELL program design follows state recommendations and guidelines for time allocations for different proficiency levels and ages for ELL students. Our program also requires specific curriculum content, guided by state and district standards. Title III requires an annual assessment of the English language proficiency of all limited English proficiency (LEP) students in grades K-12 in domains of listening, speaking, reading and writing. LEP students must be assessed on an annual basis to determine individual growth in each domain. When a student reaches a level of Fluent English Proficiency Bridging, the student no longer receives supplemental ELL services, but is monitored for two academic years to ensure continued academic progress.