Language, Reading and Literature, Composition, Media

  • Giving oral presentations

  • The meanings of Greek and Latin roots, prefixes and suffixes

  • Using a dictionary

  • Types of sentences: (statement, question, command, exclamatory)

  • Nouns, verbs and adjectives

  • Identifying correct mechanics in a sentence, (end marks, capitalization, comma in dates)

  • Recognizing the dialect in American folk tales

  • Identifying formal and informal language in advertisements read or heard

  • Various language forms to comprehend text and write with style in narrative and poetry

  • Decoding and solving new words

  • Identifying characters, setting, plot, problem and solution in stories read

  • Analyzing literature using various elements to identify theme, character traits, the speaker, and literary devices to make predictions

  • Comprehending using a variety of skills: prediction, main idea and detail, text connections, cause and effect, compare and contrast, story elements, fact and opinion, and text organization

  • A variety of genres: plays, poetry, information, fiction, drama and myth.

  • Reading and understanding non-fiction literature to gain information using text, maps, illustrations, and diagrams

  • Elements of poetry: rhyme, rhythm, repetition, verse, and stanza

  • The components of the writing process: organization, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing

  • Writing stories, poems, letters, personal narratives, summaries, and directions for different audiences and purposes

  • Researching to report information

  • Cursive writing


Locating continents, oceans, 5 major rivers and mountain ranges on maps and globes

  • The town’s history

  • Locating information on a map (countries, states)

  • The development and colonization of Massachusetts

  • Basic functions of local government

  • The rights and responsibilities of citizens

  • Local government and business


Characteristics of living things (plants and animals)

  • Comparing the life cycles and habitats of various organisms

  • Weather

  • The water cycle

  • The earth’s history

  • The solar system, the planets, and the phases of the moon

  • Components of matter, (solid, liquid, gas)

  • Rocks, minerals, and soil


Number Sense, Patterns and Relations, Geometry and Measurement, Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability

  • Reading and writing numbers to 10,000

  • Writing numbers in expanded notation (53= fifty + three)

  • Fractions ( ½, 1/3, ¼ )

  • Odd and even numbers and multiples of numbers through ten

  • Multiplication and division facts to 10

  • Communicative properties: 3+2+5= 5+5

  • Selecting strategies, using objects and models to solve word problems

  • Adding and subtracting up to four digit numbers

  • Multiplying up to 2 digit numbers by one digit

  • Rounding numbers to estimate measurement and quantities

  • Estimation

  • Creating, describing and extending patterns (40, 45, 50)

  • Using symbols, (<, >, +, =) to solve problems

  • Solving problems with variables ( 3+ __= 7)

  • Describing and drawing 2 and 3 dimensional shapes

  • Identifying angles

  • Parallel, perpendicular and intersecting lines, and lines of symmetry

  • Customary and metric measurement (inch, foot, centimeter)

  • Telling time to the nearest minute and elapsed time

  • Reading and creating a grid using ordered pairs

  • Collecting, organizing, displaying and analyzing data

  • Stating possible outcomes of probability


All students are introduced to the importance of physical fitness programs, rules of games, and activities of sports related events. Students will learn about the human body, heart, lungs, digestive system and nervous system. All students will continue to understand the importance of good nutrition, and healthy bodies to prevent sickness and disease.


Students will compose simple songs, learn harmony and melody, tempo, and music dynamics.


Students will be introduced to the basic elements of design that will include two and three dimensional shapes. They will use varied media that will include textiles and plasticene. Additional artists will be introduced and art will be integrated to other academic areas.


Students will continue to study previous skills while learning to research information. Students will learn to use the thesaurus, atlas, dictionary and almanacs. Students will continue to expand their knowledge of genre: autobiographies, mysteries, historical fiction and plays.