Darlene Gaudet,

Athletic Director
175 Lincoln Street, Blackstone, MA 01504

Family ID

"Home of the Chargers"
Schedules, Registration, Payments and more



The Blackstone-Millville Regional High School believes that athletics plays a vital role in the total educational development of the student. Athletics function as an integral part of the curriculum by offering opportunities to assist in the development of sportsmanship, teamwork, skills, and competition. Being a member of an athletic team is the fulfillment of an ambition for many students. It takes hard work and the willingness to assume responsibility for yourself, your school, and others. You will be seen in a leadership role when you are on an athletic squad; because of this, you can contribute greatly to school spirit and community pride.

Athletics is an extension of the educational program and as such is an extension of The Blackstone-Millville Regional School District’s reputation for excellence. The Blackstone-Millville Regional Athletic Department’s mission does not solely seek to create the skilled athlete but rather the athlete who demonstrates the character necessary to display poise and class in all endeavors regardless of the playing field.

Our coaches are charged with the responsibility to teach the values of accepting success graciously, accountability, citizenship, sportsmanship, confidence, tolerance, handling disappointments, leadership, organizational skills, participation within the rules, performing under pressure, persistence, work ethic, physical well-being, responsibility, sacrifice, self-discipline, social skills, striving towards excellence and teamwork.

The Athletic Department welcomes you and wishes you much success and enjoyment as you journey through your interscholastic athletic career at BMR.

For all schedules click HERE

Please see your building Assistant Principals or pay online here.