ELL Proficiency Testing

Student progress is reported by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education in two report forms.

ACCESS Test – administered in January – February each year. This test is annually administered as an accountability measure. It is a three-tiered test so that students encounter questions targeted at their current range of English language proficiency. Using this test, students are able to show what they know at the time of the test.

MODEL Screening – a screening or benchmark language proficiency measure that provides teachers a tool for making initial placement decisions and data for instruction. This screening is administered by the ELSL teacher upon entry to the Blackstone-Millville Regional School District system.

MCAS - The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education conducts yearly MCAS tests. These tests measure each child’s progress toward meeting the state curriculum mandates.

MCAS refers to Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System. This test is for all students in grade 3 and above. It is a statewide standards-based system which serves to evaluate student, school and district performance. The results are also used to inform and improve curriculum and instruction.

AYP - The results of these tests are reported to Blackstone-Millville Regional School District in the form of individual student data, school wide data and system wide data. The state also reports Adequately Yearly Progress (AYP). This report determines the achievement of each school district and school in both reading and mathematics. AYP is designed to ensure continuous improvement each year toward the goal of 100% proficiency in 2014.

AMAO - Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAO) are set annually by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and specify the percentage of academic growth.

Copies of individual MCAS results for each child are sent home to each parent / guardian. Letters and information packets are also sent home and posted regarding Adequately Yearly Progress, NCLB report cards and AMAO reports. Copies of these reports are posted on the Blackstone-Millville Regional School District website as soon as they are available at http://www.bmrsd.info/nclb.html